Russia has created a new payment system “Astrasend”
October 31, 2022

Another payment system has been created in Russia. Astrasenda will be operated by the non-banking organization Inkahran registered by the Bank of Russia. Through “Astrasend” it will be possible to transfer money abroad. Russia has created a new payment system “Astrasend” The Bank of Russia registered the non-banking credit organization Inkakhran, says on the regulator’s website. It is specified that this organization in the status of a joint-stock company will be the operator of the Astrasend payment system. It is noted that the activities of “Astrasend” will include money transfers within Russia and abroad – it has not yet been said to which countries. The system will work with two currencies – dollars and rubles.

ロシアは、新たな国際決済システムをスタートさせる。幾重にも布石を打っている感じ。この新システムも 2015年から準備してきたというから、戦略が重層的だ。

【今後のロシア経済を予測する際の留意点①】 プーチンが仕掛ける「SWIFT 2.0」
【今後のロシア経済を予測する際の留意点④】「AEZ+SWIFT 2.0」が本格的に台頭する
➡ The Bretton Woods 3:国際金融システムが大変革する!
➡ 経済制裁でプーチンは失脚しませんよ。キューバを見なさい。